- Fits to a standard ringlock drum
- Evacs floor spills such as oil, coolants, washing water etc
- Evacs containers and drums absolutely dry. Empties tanks and drain pits.
- Removes surface decontaminants from process baths.
- For wet vacuuming (with float preventing overfills) or for dry vacuuming
- Driven with work’s compressed air supply.
- Simple and reliable equipment. No moving parts.
QVAC 100 is a simple and reliable equipment for vacuuming all types of wet and dry industrial spills. Driven with compressed air and working without moving parts it is very reliable and maintenance-free. QVAC 100 is vacuuming liquids and particles directly into a standard drum which in turn becomes the carrier for transport to destruction, deposition or recycling. No absorbant materials are used, protecting the environment, saving time and reducing costs for destruction.